For us to truly understand what was done for us through the sacrifice of Jesus, we must understand what was accomplished by him.
In “A New Covenant For A New Creation”, Brother Curry shows us the necessity and the result of Jesus’ “finished work’.
Jesus Himself promised us (believers) that we could do whatever He did And EVEN GREATER WORKS! The question remains, WHY? And HOW?
With over 40 years of Biblical study AND application, Brother Curry has pieced together the hidden mystery of the New Creation and the New Covenant.
Here’s a hint: God couldn’t produce the one if He hadn’t provided the other.
The New Creation required a New Covenant so that the New Creations could actually function at their fullest potential.
Only New Creations are in the New Covenant!
In this book, Brother Curry reveals how the New Creation and the New Covenant complete one another.
If you are looking for a greater depth of understanding of who you are in Christ and Who Christ is in you… you will find it within these pages.
Get ready for an exciting and necessary adventure toward greater faith and love.
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